1. The booking form and current availability is viewable on line at Condo Control Central.
  2. The application form shall be completed in full, signed by the Resident and returned to confirm booking. The Resident must be present during booked events.
  3. The Resident shall provide a security/cleaning deposit in such amount as the Manager may determine at the time of the reservation (hereinafter referred to as the “Deposit”), which is currently $200.00.
  4. Subsequent to any event being held, the Security shall determine if any damage has been done to the Room and shall notify the Resident who rented the Room, the extent of the damage. In the event that there is damage to the Room, the Manager shall be empowered to apply the whole or any portion of the Deposit to the cost of repairing or rectifying such damage. In the event that the Deposit is insufficient to pay for the damage and cleaning expenses, the Resident shall immediately reimburse the Manager for all sums expended by the Manager, in excess of the Deposit, in order to repair or rectify the damage and clean the Room.
  5. Noisy or rowdy behaviour is prohibited within Kitchen and Dining/Meeting Room.
  6. No loud music shall be permitted in the Dining/Meeting Room.
  7. All functions must be terminated as of 1:00 a.m. and all Residents and Guests must thereafter immediately vacate the Room.
  8. Residents using the meeting room are responsible for gathering loose garbage and leaving the room in a presentable state once the event is over.
  9. Decorations are not to be attached to any part of the meeting room walls.
  10. No alcohol shall be sold (whether for profit or otherwise) at any function within the Meeting Room.
  11. The resident booking the room will be responsible for their guests and any damage done to the building by their guests.
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