1. No animals, livestock, reptiles, snakes or fowl, other than a common household pet shall be kept on the Property. For the purpose of these Rules, the term “common household pet” shall mean (i) dog (excluding Pittbulls, Dobermans, Mastiffs, Rottweilers, and any other similar breeds of dogs that are customarily bred or trained as “guard dogs” or “attack dogs”). For clarity, “guard dogs” or “attack dogs” shall be any dogs deemed as such by the Board in its full and absolute discretion. Furthermore, no pet dog shall exceed a maximum weight of fifty (50) pounds (22.7kg) or be of a breed that will exceed an adult weight of fifty (50) pounds, (ii) domestic cat; (iii) caged bird; (iv) fish; (v) a hamster, gerbil, a guinea pig, a mouse or a rabbit that is kept in a cage at all times (vi) or any other animal that the Board may designate as a pet in its sole discretion from time to time.
  2. Notwithstanding the weight restrictions applicable to pet dogs in Rule 14(a) above, a guide dog within the meaning of the Blind Person’s Rights Act of Ontario (and any amendments thereto) shall be deemed to be a pet for the purposes of this Rule, provided the necessity for same is established by documentary evidence from a licensed physician of the Province of Ontario or as may otherwise be prescribed in the Blind Persons’ Rights Act, to the satisfaction of the Board, acting reasonably.
  3. At all times, only two (2) pets are permitted per Unit.
  4. Notwithstanding paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) above, an Owner or a Resident who has lived in the Unit as of March 2019 or earlier, with a pet(s) not meeting the specifications listed in paragraphs (a), (b) and (c), will be permitted to keep the said pet(s), provided that the Owner or Resident registers for an exemption, in writing to the Board, by no later tha1I thirty (30) days after these Rules come into effect. Failure to register the pet(s) by the timeline specified herein will result in the non-granting of the exemption and the removal of the pet(s) from the condominium. Further, in the event that the Board, in its sole and absolute discretion, deems the pet(s) to be a nuisance, the exemption may be revoked by the Board upon written notice to the Owner or Resident. The exemption shall terminate upon the sale of the Unit, the end of the Resident’s tenancy, or the death of the pet(s).
  5. Pets are not permitted anywhere upon the interior Common Elements except for ingress to or egress from the Building and the Pet Spa. When transporting a pet to or from the building, the pet must be carried or placed on a short leash.
  6. No breeding or selling of pets is permitted on the Property.
  7. Except for guide dogs and/or service animals that are required by a visitor, no visitor shall be permitted to bring any animal or anything that would be considered a pet, onto the Corporation’s Common Elements. The necessity for the guide dog and/or service animal shall be determined by the Board in its full and unfettered discretion. The onus shall be on the Owner to provide the Board with sufficient evidence of his or her visitor’s necessity for a guide and/or service animal.
  8. No pet, which is deemed by the Board or the Property Manager, in their absolute discretion. to be a nuisance shall be kept by any Owner or Resident in any Unit or any part of the Common Elements. Such Owner or Resident shall, within two (2) weeks of receipt of a written notice from the Board requesting the removal of such pet, permanently remove such pet from the Property.
  9. No pet shall be permitted to bark continuously, howl, or cause an excessive noise or disturbance which intrudes on the comfort or quiet enjoyment of the Property by other Residents. For the purpose of this Rule, “excessive noise” shall mean noise which, in the opinion of the Board or Property Manager, is annoying or disturbing to any other Residents.
  10. Pets are not permitted to be left out on terraces or balconies of any Unit for extended periods of time. Owners and Residents shall not permit their pet(s) to soil or damage any part of the Common Elements, including exclusive use Common Elements whether by defecation, urination or otherwise. No “pee pads” or other pet potty training aids are permitted on terraces or balconies. In any event, where such soiling or damage occurs, the pet owner shall immediately rectify the damage by cleaning up said urination, defecation or soiling. Should a pet owner fail to clean up after his or her pet as aforesaid, the pet may be deemed to be a nuisance at the Board’s discretion, and the owner of said pet shall. within two (2) weeks of receipt of written notice from the Corporation requesting removal of such pet, permanently remove such pet from the Corporation.
  11. Any soiled litter or pet waste shall be well wrapped and put in the garbage chute. Under no circumstances may any soiled liner be flushed down any toilet or drain.
  12. Any costs incurred by the Corporation for damage to, or cleanup of the Common Elements caused by a pet shall be borne and paid for by the Owner and/or Resident and all payments pursuant to this Rule are recoverable pursuant to the Corporation’s governing documents.
  13. In the event of an emergency in the building (such as a fire), the Owner or Resident has the full responsibility to care for their pet, control and restrain its actions and be solely responsible for the safety of their pet.
  14. Resident pet owners shall comply with all mUI1icipal by-law requirements relevant to their pets, including any requirement that the pet be registered with the municipality and vaccinated.
  15. Resident pet owners shall ensure that their pets are examined by a veterinarian at least annually.
  16. Within thirty (30) days of this Rule coming into force, all pets being kept in any Unit, must be registered with the Corporation. Thereafter all new pets must be registered within two (2) weeks of such pet moving into a Unit.
  17. In order to register a pet, the owner shall provide the Corporation with such information as may be reasonably required in the discretion of the Board to identify the animal, including but not limited to the species, the name of the pet owner, the name of the pet, breed, age, weight and distinctive markings, together with a clear, color photograph of the animal, and up-to-date vaccination certificate.
  18. The failure to register a pet as required within the specified time frame (or as may be permitted by the Board in exceptional circumstances) will result in the Owner being required to permanently remove the pet from the Corporation.


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