(Max capacity 15)

To book the media room, speak with The Concierge:

  • The Media Room may be used by residents and guests as a gathering place, for reading and watching television/home theatre as well as privately booked functions.
  • The decision as to what programs may be viewed on the home theatre/television shall be decided on a first-come, first-served basis. In the event that normal television programming is requested or desired to be watched by any resident, then the resident who first arrived shall have the use of such TV for a period of one hour, or until the show that he or she is watching is over, whichever is sooner to a maximum of a three-hour program.
  • In the event that a resident wishes to view a video movie within the media room, then he or she shall book the use of the media room at the concierge desk.
  • The viewing of pornographic or X-rated videotapes is strictly prohibited within the media room.
  • Snacks and beverages are permitted (except those in glass containers). Residents are to pick up and dispose of all garbage and ensure that the media room is left in a neat and tidy condition. Any spills or mishaps must be reported to the Concierge Team to ensure immediate clean-up. Failure to do so may cause a cleaning fee to be levied against the user.
  • The residents booking the room will be responsible for their guests and any damage done to the building by their guests.
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